Tent Of Horrors

Tent Of Horrors – The Millennial Fair


Tent of Horrors

The best place to spend the silver points you have earned so far, is the RENOWNED “Tent Of Horrors” in the southeast portion of the fair. Here you can play games to earn exciting prizes. So, let’s enter the tent.

Tent Of Horrors - Norstein Bekkler's Lab

Talk to that (scary) person (or whatever that thing is ;)), you see after entering the Tent Of Horrors. As he says the show is about to start, you should feel (or at least pretend to be) scared. I am already scared, by the way and barely typing shivering with fear 😉

Tent Of Horrors - 10 Silver Points Game

If you choose to spend 10 silver points, three identical soldiers will appear in front of you. Their names are stolen directly from Star Wars by the way :), Vicks (Biggs), Wedge and Piette. They will move around in circles like crazies. Then one of them will ask you to identify him. If you guess it correct, Crono will win a Poyozo Doll for his room that plays music on examining it.

Tent Of Horrors - 40 Silver Points Game

If you choose to spend 40 silver points, a clone of Crono will appear. What you have to do is, make the same gestures as the clone. Press A for “Surprise”, Y for “Laugh”, L for “Left arm” and R for “Right arm”. If you manage to mimic all the gestures for a few minutes, this clone will be sent to Crono’s house.

Tent Of Horrors - 80 Silver Points No Friends

You cannot play the 80 silver points game, as Crono does not have any friends right now, just like you 😉

I am sure you must be getting goosebumps, even after coming out of the Tent Of Horrors 😉 Well, relax and let me know how you felt playing the games in the Tent Of Horrors, by commenting below.

Is there any possibility of that blonde girl joining Crono in his journey? Where is Lucca?

We will find out in next post.

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